Tuesday, December 22, 2009


By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

We all have had Christmas and Hanukah gifts that we accept and politely smile and show thanks to the giver, while thinking in our private thoughts “What were they thinking when they bought me this?” It is called in my family a “reject” gift. Yet, in the holiday spirit of giving we were all taught that it is not the gift but the thought that matters and counts. It is not only impolite but small-minded to let someone know that you are disappointed or displeased with their festively wrapped token even while you are secretly hoping to exchange it at the store on your first available opportunity. Interestingly however, as young children we are also taught to believe in Santa Claus and the song about him, ‘SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN’ and how we needed to be good to get a present and especially good if we wanted to get that especially sought after gift. Bad behaving children got coal in their stockings instead of toys and gifts they hoped to receive.

Apparently, the President, the Senate Democrats and House Democrats believed that most of us Americans behaved badly this Christmas season and therefore left us tax bills in our Christmas stockings in the form of Health Care Reform. Ignoring the poll numbers, ignoring the tight economic times and ignoring the worry and displeasure of the majority of Americans that our Country’s debt is already too high, they passed and wrapped up this piece of legislation and placed it under the tree before leaving for their Holiday break. What were they thinking? Where can we return this gift? What did the majority of us do to deserve this lump of coal in our stocking?
Well, given the fact that we heard the Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi call town hall voices of dissent un-American Americans, I guess we were bad. I also think that our President’s latest polling numbers fell and again most American were responsible for that, and we were bad. You might also say that the Tea Party rallies throughout the year at different cities across the country were Americans pouting, crying and shouting knowing Santa was coming to town, and we were bad.
So…most Americans did not want Health Care Reform to be quickly decided and railroaded passed a long and necessary debate with only one party’s voice (Democrats) writing the legislation but what else is new since we gave Democrats the Presidency and the majority in 2008. We have many unwanted gifts this year from Washington from the Stimulus Plan to now Health Care Reform.
I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth and undo all my gracious social upbringing but this Santa Congress deserves to be told that its gifts are rejects and its naughty and nice lists are upside down.
I’m making a new list and checking it twice and making sure that those Democrats and any line crossing Republicans will get what they deserve at the ballot box in 2010, Ho…Ho…Ho!

Monday, December 7, 2009


By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

The latest scandal involving the fudging of Global Warming temperature data is being ignored and or dismissed by those wanting America to go green. I was always taught in school that the difference between opinion and truth was scientific fact. We trusted science to always give us the truth regardless of political pressure or are own lying eyes. The earth rotates on its axis while orbiting the sun whether we can see or feel this motion because science has proven it to be a fact and so we believe. Science does not start with a premise and then seek only the data that supports that premise for that would not be science but instead would be …propaganda?
There are three points of view on the subject of global warming. One, those that say it does not exist, period. Two, are those that say that Global Warming exists without man’s involvement. Third, are those that say Global Warming is caused by man and I will refer to them as the (Gore-U)? Then of course there are three solutions offered, one, do nothing and nothing bad will happen, two do nothing because nothing man could do would impact or change Global Warming or three the Gore-U, that say stop all man’s greenhouse gas emissions and it will or (might) stop Global Warming. This is why our brain-trust in Washington is proposing Cap and Trade Legislation.
That means driving less and then driving tuna-fish can cars, eating more tuna and no red meat, reading by candle light because you’d be paying high priced electric bills, re-outfitting your home costing thousands of dollars for insulation and green energy saving appliances and see American slowly become a third world country in which tourism and the Service Industry are the only jobs available while countries like China huff and puff away eating our lunch.
I have a serious problem with the Gore-U’s theory because if science has taught me anything about nature it is; that most natural phenomenon that occurs is cyclical. What if Global Warming is a natural cyclical climate changing event that has been occurring on our planet since it first took orbit in our solar system? Locust and insect invasions, disease and pandemic viruses, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and weather patterns are all cyclical events. Some of these events we can predict with approximate accuracy while others we can only predict that they will occur eventually. When our sun becomes a Black Hole the earth will be sucked in and earth will perish but we really don’t have a hard date to predict it happening. Our planet has and always will live under the threat of being hit by a large meteor and wiping us out but again we can only speculate its occurrence. What if we do everything we think is right and yet nature spits in our face.
Man only thinks it has conquered nature because it can cut down trees, bulldoze the earth, wipe out animal and plant species, kill bacteria and viruses, cultivate and cross breed new agricultural products and defy gravity by Jumbo Jet air travel but the truth is nature is, and has always been in charge of us. The trees grow back, the buildings sink in the ground, the animals and plants find a way to survive, the bacteria and viruses mutate to be drug resistant, the crossbred products create new and greater hazards (Killer Bees) and oh yes sometimes little birdies in the sky take down to the ground man’s huge iron winged monoliths. The problem with Gore-U followers and other environmentalists groups is that they revere nature religiously much like the Inca, Mayans and Native Americans’ spiritual belief system. The difference however is twofold between the Gore-U and all other nature spiritualists. One, today’s Gore-U’s believe with hubris that they can change and manipulate nature’s course while the other groups only strived to respect nature’s power. Two, Gore-U’s believe nature is benevolent and only malevolent if it is angered by man while the other groups understood that there were good Gods and bad Gods and if the Gods were angry then offering up a human sacrifice might temper and satisfy them so as to stop the drought or the flood or any ill wanted natural phenomenon that was plaguing them at the time.
Wow, I just got a great idea! We could solve this Global Warming issue quickly and with very little pain for most of us. Forget about Cap and Trade legislation that would hurt all of us with no assurance that it would make a dent of difference on Mother Nature’s warming temper. How about if we offer a human sacrifice to appease the Global Warming God? Perhaps one of those corrupt scientists would volunteer to have their name live in infamy? Maybe the Global Warming Guru himself would entertain the idea of sacrificing himself for the cause? “What do you say Al…we’ll even re-write the history books and give you credit for inventing the internet like you always wanted?”

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Nine Husbands

My Nine Husbands
By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

Maine recently defeated a homosexual marriage law that was enacted by our State Legislature, obviously without voter approval. It was promoted as a civil rights issue by those for Gay marriage and an education fear issue (that gay sex would be taught in schools to our young children) by those against, in the recent voter campaign. I do not think the voters were persuaded by either specious argument when they chose to keep marriage to its long history of tradition.
The real question should be is marriage a civil right or a civil privilege? I know my husband is privileged but I’m wondering that if I have a right to be married why then I needed a license and a blood test to marry. Driving is a privilege not a right which is why the State can require standards. Therefore if marriage is a right then why is the State allowed to screen my blood and require that I am not related to my intended spouse? My right to marry whomever and as many of whomever I desire should be without State rules and regulations to hamper, diminish or deny me my marriage civil right, even if it is with Mr. Wrong. Then that must mean that the State views marriage as a civil privilege to which it can set standards of acceptance and approval and or deny approval. I wonder why they don’t revoke marriage licenses as they do the licenses of bad drivers. (Come on, on a bad marriage day you have thought of it too!) “Sorry Dear… but the State has suspended our marriage, so until further notice you are welcome to stay in the room above the garage for a nominal fee.”
The State requires you to get a marriage license but when your marriage is once performed and properly witnessed then they issue you a marriage certificate. A certificate is a paper reflecting a truth of certified fact. You receive a birth certificate which verifies the fact of your identity, you receive a diploma which certifies the fact that you have earned a degree but you never earn a driving certificate. The State thus confuses the issue by making marriage a privilege before you marry and a certified fact after your married. Marriage is not an inherent right or people would be allowed to marry their pets or even inanimate objects like say a boulder. (Then you could honestly say that your relationship was as solid as a rock.)
Therefore the whole argument that homosexuals have a right to marry say over polygamists or any other non-traditional groups is not just opening the barn door for marriage to become a civil right but the State would no longer be able to justify any guidelines at all. It could not allow gays but disallow polygamy. (I wonder if women would like to have eight or nine husbands like the Mormon men use to have in wives. I think we would enjoy it but not for sex and or variety but more to get all the chores done around the house.) If marriage is an intrinsic civil right then no one could be denied taking union with anyone, in any number or anything. If marriage is a privilege then the State has the right to set a single standard and deny all else. The real secret is that the State wants to keep marriage as it is defined for two primary reasons one; the State realized long ago that supporting marriage was financially beneficial as most citizens with families were more productive and therefore more taxable, two; the state relies heavily on the religious institutions and churches to handle the majority of their clerical functions. The pastors, priests, rabbis’ and ministers provide procedural information to the engaged couple as well as witnessing and then filing the proper paperwork to the proper jurisdiction. If the State had to perform all marriages in this country there would be a long waiting list and or if certain religious institutions refused to officiate State marriage papers, a lot of couples would be married by their churches but unknown to the State creating a nightmare breakdown of an already overloaded Family Court system.
Civil Union was the option created to appease the inequity created by federal joint tax filing and family health insurance and other (so called marriage benefits) denied to same sexed couples. Separate legislation could fix any and all so-called inequities. Why is Civil Union not good enough? Why is there a push for changing the marriage definition? One must wonder what Gay Rights agenda is really all about? Some say it is to proselytize our children about the normality of homosexuality but maybe it runs deeper than that? Maybe it is to get the State out of social lawmaking completely taking a libertarian view, in which all social engagements should be outside government control.
If that is the case then I do ... and I do and I do… (Repeat six more times) whimsically think my nine husbands would come in very handy. Gosh when I think of it... I could marry a super wealth guy, a doctor, a car mechanic, a hairdresser, a fashion designer, a butcher, a baker, a chef and still keep my husband. Oh what the heck let’s add a lawyer and make it a simple ten count, because if thing don’t work out with some of these guys then I’ll need number ten’s services.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

We know that the first Amendment to our Constitution granted citizens the right to a free press and that it was the first thought of the colonists in asserting and insuring that the rights of the people were not dismissed and or diminished by accepting our new Constitutional government. We codified our right to dissent without our government’s ability to either mute or enact retribution for speaking our mind be it in praise or be it in criticism of government and or officials. We have a long history of expecting that our journalist (The Press) be loyal to the people, the truth and nothing but the truth. The press was and is expected to be independent and skeptical of government to protect us from propaganda and worse. Where is the independent, skeptical, truth- seeking journalists today?
Well it seems that they are not writing for the New York Times, they are not broadcasting at CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS or MSNBC because these print and broadcasts journalists have not criticized or questioned the current administration and have been behind as well as apologists for stories and scandals brought to light by others namely FOX news.
The press has been hated by many past administrations because it has consistently refused to accept only the official account, been unwilling to not report and or quash stories for the government and would ask the tough questions of our officials over and over until sense could be made of the truth. Now both the administration and the rival news organizations are ganging up and condemning FOX news and all other independent journalists who dare be critical of the current administration.
It would appear that Fox News is the only hated news organization today and that should make them proud and we should champion their success and encourage more and new media to follow their example and get back to the first Amendment’s mission. We should not be lambs, hens or turkeys so close to the Thanksgiving season that we ignore the significance of who is being invited to the White house dinner table and who is not.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shakespeare and Elvis are Alive and Well!

Shakespeare and Elvis are Alive and Well!
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

Many adults taught me as a child that name calling was a classless as well as ignorant way to try and win an argument. They said that you must debate people with the art of disagreeing agreeably. Respecting another’s opinion doesn’t make your argument weak but name calling definitely makes both you and your argument small. I took this training to heart and both when still a child and now as an adult I agree to disagree and disagree agreeably. I also remember adults making the comment that politics was a “dirty” sometimes they would say “filthy business”. I wondered what they meant but that was when I still was naïve enough to think that all adults followed the same rules of decorum and respect that I was taught to follow. The current political rhetoric certainly supports the negative cynical view that most people have about politics.
Whether from the Democrats, Republicans, news media or private citizens the pejoratives, name-calling and disrespectful taunting has been increasing in both bold disregard for decorum and outlandish analogy with the intent to smear and dishonor the other’s argument and is small minded. Calling the President a liar in the middle of his speech on the House floor is tactless and rude to say the least. Calling the President a communist or calling the angry town hall citizens un-American is muting and discrediting your argument and not gaining one anything except a discounting roll of one’s eyes. Decrying all voices in opposition to the President’s policies as racists is not only offensive to those to whom it’s aimed but shows an arrogant ignorance of opposing views and demonizes discontent. “We can’t go on together with suspicions and lies.”
Our forefathers in their wisdom understood that the majority opinion while respected wasn’t always necessarily correct or considered omnipotent. It carefully considered the rights of the minority and understood that sometimes the minority opinion was the better as well as wanting to ensure that majority did not alienate the minority to then foment civil unrest. It’s hard to see a true majority and or a true minority in today’s political tug of words because the country seems as equally politically divided between Red States and Blue States, Democrats and Republicans. You would therefore think that because neither political side could claim to have the majority opinion that there would be more reason to sit down at the non-partisan table and reasonably debate the issues and come to compromised agreements for the benefit of all or at the very least do nothing until the political tide changed to a clear majority leaning opinion. I do not think our forefathers envisioned an equally divided congress and populace being dismissive of each other. They probably assumed that that would be the perfect set of conditions for reasonable compromise by both sides. Instead, the political rhetoric has become the Hatfield’s versus the McCoy’s or the house of Montague versus the house of Capulet. The sword pens and the lashing tongues are the prelude throughout history for the worst to follow. Romeo where for art thou? Juliet where for art thou? Love and respect where for art thou? Alas poor political civility you are dying. We be or not be civil and respectful while in disagreement. That is the over arching question.

Friday, September 4, 2009

We Pledge Allegiance to Obama!

We Pledge Allegiance to Obama!
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen
Remember what a drag it was to return to the classroom as a grade-schooler and be asked to write an essay on “What you did on your summer vacation?” When my summer wasn’t very exciting I recall making up some fantastic fantasy experiences that alleviated both the boredom and the invasion of privacy I felt at being asked to put my diary on public paper. That is now going to “change” with the new subject our children will be asked to write about. You see, our president is planning on going to our public schools and inspiring our children to be studious, book dutiful and Obama inspired. In fact, they will be ask to write how they can help our president achieve his goals of making our country a huge governmental bureaucracy that manages our lives from cradle to grave. Oh, to be a kid again and not have to struggle with my individual thoughts and whims but instead be told what to write, think and admire. That’s so much easier! Let’s see if I were a kid I’d probably write;
President Obama,
You should not let the Republican bullies stop your bills from being law. My Mom says “Bullies tease because they are jealous.” I think they are just jealous that you have so much more power than they do. I think any American that does not agree with you should be locked up in jail until they do. That way you can make our country a place where everybody feels the same, has the same, looks the same, works the same, eats the same, plays the same, sleeps the same, lives the same and is the same. Then nobody would be different and we would all know that being different, or trying to be different would be wrong and we could all wag our fingers at those people until they agreed to stop trying to be different and unique.
You are our president and the father of our country. My father says that our country was started by “our Four Fathers” but I told him that “now Dad we don’t have four we just got one and you should forget about the past.”
I also think that every morning we should all pray for you to be successful as well as our president for life. We should take down the United States flag and instead put up a picture of your face and pledge allegiance to you. * (Bonus 5 Points)
Your loving citisin X (Spelling -5 points) Citizen
Claudia Roazen Grade= 95+5= 100% Very Good Job!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I am not a political activist and participate in politics the old fashioned way by both voting and screaming at my television when politicians (too often) pretend to speak for me and other Americans. My opinions are eclectic on issues but I have one abiding theme that holds the fabric together as it is waved left and right on the flagpole and that theme is FREEDOM. Those in Washington do not understand that we want less not more; government. More is less freedom and more is less choice and more is less efficiency and more is less integrity and more is less money in our well worn pockets.
Too many of our politicians think that Americans want government to solve all their problems and tuck them in to bed at night as they read them the sleepy story of all the legislation they passed to make their lives better. I can’t deny that it cures my insomnia but I sleep dreaming of growing up and becoming an independent adult and leaving my government’s house to start my life and make my own decisions. I love my government and I call, write and visit as often as I can while appreciative of how it raised me I don’t want to live there again. For its part it must learn to let go. I respect its concern for me and my well-being but I am long past needing to be pampered and scolded for my stumbles and falls. I expect it to keep its own house in order as I do my own. We are still a family and when there are pressing issues I am more than willing to pitch in and help. However, if it pries into my life, rings the doorbell unannounced, dictates to me, criticizes every move I make and tells me how I should live from health care to the car I drive well…well…should it be surprised that it sees me less, hears from me less and is told less and less about me and my life. Doesn’t it understand that “I AM A GROWNUP NOW?”
Lately it has been trying to use bribery to win me over, Cash for Clunkers, rebates for efficiency appliances and the promise of Universal Health Care that is suppose to make my life better. No I’m sorry government, but the days of shoving a cookie in my mouth to stop my tantrum is over. I want my freedom!
No…no…no… I will not be bought! It’s time to have a long talk with it and explain that although I love it to death it must respect our forefather’s tradition and leave their sons and daughters their constitutional right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with respect that as long as those values don’t interfere with anyone else’s rights, and we agree to fight as one to protect those rights, and we champion the individual human rights for everyone throughout the world, then we all agree and can all enjoy each other’s loving company.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen
I was shocked when I heard that the Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi described the dissenting voices heard at town hall meetings around the country as being UN-American. I was taken aback but then thought you know, she is correct. Think about it, the voting record in this country is abysmal and we have been embarrassed by countries like post Saddam Iraq when it comes to citizen participation. Getting people to pull away from their televisions and computers to go to a town hall meeting is a feat in and of itself. Nancy has it right when she says that it is un-American that people are going to town hall meetings, asking questions and then boldly dissenting with their voices at their government’s sweeping plans, spending and power grabbing. It is so unlike the typical American! It is UN-American! It is spontaneous, un-organized, unaffiliated with Democrat or Republican party association, gender and age neutral, without articulate rhythmic slogans and not backed or funded by left or right wing special interest groups. That’s totally UN-American! Apathy is American!
Acorn is American as N.O.W. is American as PETA is American but not these average get off their couch and go have a word with their Washington Representative who has come into town voices! No…they are not American. The American voices are puppetry, community organized; slogan filled, placard waving and always receives extensive positive Press coverage. These disorganized throngs of average citizenry holding Tea Parties and then going to town hall meetings are embarrassing our elected officials with their straightforward and non-choreographed questions and comments. They have no leader to negotiate with, no political slush fund to bribe officials with by withholding huge campaign contributions, no friends in the media who even if they report their protests underestimate their numbers and message. What can we expect the elitist Washington folk to think but that this is right –wing, red-neck, un-educated, loonies just out to embarrass the powerful. According to our government real grassroots protest is sponsored, backed and organized and this is not.
Perhaps I should look into organizing these UN-American protest voices by started a group to give them legitimacy. Let’s see how about PINESCONES? P-eople I-nterested N-ationally about E-scalating C-apital S-pending and O-verruns with N-o E-nd in S-ight. Hey… if this works out, as a community organizer I could become the First Female President! No…that would mean I’d have to abandon all my values and principles, lose my common sense, spend the American people’s money like it was water while feathering my own bank account with insider deals and steals. No I’d rather stay an UN-American American and vote, lend my voice at town hall, write my Senators and Representatives and hope they start listening to the growing din of discontent and the loss of those good old apathetic days that our leaders in Washington count on!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another Man's Treasure

By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

This new “Cash for Clunkers” program by the government sounded innocuous until I found out what they did to the old cars. They seize and destroy the car’s engine and then scrap the rest of the car immediately. If everyone trades in their old cars then what will youth have to build on? Remember your first car? My first car was a yellow Ford Pinto, four cylinder, two doors, hatch, standard four on the floor and with no air except to crank down the powerless windows. I got absolutely no traction in the snow and it felt like a motorized toboggan driving in the New England winter. Yet, I loved it! I paid for my clunker with my own saved cash and it represented both freedom and my first steps as a young looking to be upwardly mobile adult. It broke down more often then it ran but I smiled through the pitted windshield that I owned my first vehicle!
When I moved up in the job market and made more money I sold my clunker for cash and bought another clunker but a big upgrade. I then owned a cream colored Oldsmobile Cutlass, six cylinder, four door, automatic on the column, power window but still no air conditioning. That used car was a big step up and I no longer had to white knuckle the ice and snow in the winter. Again, I would wait until either the car died or my income increased considerably before setting my sights on the next vehicle to purchase. Cars were like family and it was very hard to part with some of them and some of us still have the rusty old things in our backyards waiting to be restored. I did finally buy a brand new car and I paid cash and did not finance the car. Back then it was not a good deal to finance because the depreciation of the vehicle along with the high cost of insurance required; let alone the interest rate of the Jimmy Carter years, made it cost prohibitive, so I paid for my Oldsmobile Firenza outright. The Brazilian engine never let me down and after eight years I ended up selling it to my brother while I bought my parent’s old Acura Legend.
See that is the car ladder! The car ladder is just like the corporate ladder. I went from junk to a better clunk to a NEW American compact to a USED foreign luxury and I’m still waiting for the funds to buy a NEW foreign luxury. In the meantime however, I am in the marketplace for USED luxury cars and I now worry that the government in its lack of everything sensible and sane-minded is destroying the car ladder. I love old cars and again if I were rich I’d be more inclined to buy a nicer OLD car like say a Bentley or an Excalibur as opposed to a NEW American government owned GM.
I guess my government wants every American citizen to be as debt-ridden as it has become. We all should have mortgage debt, credit card debt, college tuition loan debt and now new car payment debt! I guess the government is re-writing the famous expression to say “Another man’s trash is trash!” Hey all you used car dealers and old classic car collectors better hang out at the dealership’s parking lots and convince the customers to sell to you instead of Uncle Sam. There’s a lot of treasure in the government’s waste barrel!

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Latest Elitist Story

The latest Elitist Story!
By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen
I was surprised that the president had such free time as to both comment on and then involve himself in what would otherwise be a local news story about the Cop and the Professor. I thought my gosh, even I could get a private audience and share a beer with the president and all I would have to do is involve myself in some sort of accusatory racial profiling incident that made my local paper. I knew my town had a new police officer and he was assigned a speed trap patrol in my neighborhood. Great, I thought, I will speed past his patrol going ten miles over the limit and see if he stops me. Well, it took about five passes until he finally flashed on his blue lights and pulled me over to the side of the road. He then approached my window and politely asked me for my license, registration and proof of insurance. He then started to walk back to his patrol car and I called out after him.
“Officer! Officer don’t you want me to get out of my car and put my hands on the hood?” He smiled nodded in the negative and jumped in his patrol car. After a few minutes he came back and handed me my paperwork and I gave him a sneer and said.
“Don’t you want to search my car for drugs or guns?” He smiled again and said no with the shaking of his head. Then he handed me a piece of paper and told me it was a warning and that he was not going to give me a ticket. I was infuriated at that moment, and I looked at the Afro-american policeman and cried foul!
“Officer why are you treating me so nice? It’s because I’m a white suburban woman isn’t it!” He tilted his head and looked confused. I continued to rant.
“Look, I want you to Taser me or something, otherwise I never get to meet the president!” I looked around my car for any contraband and found only a breath mint but it wasn’t in the package.
“See…see this!” I held up the Velamint and waved it in his face.
“I don’t know what this is, it could be a controlled substance? Are you going to test it?”
He grabbed the mint out of my hand popped in his mouth and thanked me. I continued to shout at him while he drove away. I was screaming for him to pepper spray me, have the dogs search my car or arrest me to no avail. I then raced down to the Police station and issued a complaint on the officer and then called my local newspaper.
Nobody did anything and nothing came of the non-incident. Oh well, I guess I got it wrong again and the teachable moment was that it wasn’t about race at all but class. It was about being Ivy League connected, and I bet that cop would have co-operated with me if I was a Harvard Professor acting without class.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Media Bias

Media Bias
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I really don’t understand why some say that the media is bias in this country. Yes, I can see the love-fest going on with Obama but what’s wrong with that? Sure they hated Bush and took every opportunity to find ways to bash and scandalize him but so what? They obviously didn’t like George Bush and they have sensual goose bumps for Obama. Why can’t the press hate one and love the other?
Didn’t we all grow up loving John F. Kennedy and hating Richard M. Nixon? It’s just a coincidence that they also hated Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush and loved Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

Now Ford was different because he was hated mostly for pardoning Nixon. The press also seems to like liberal elitist ideas and hates old fashioned American values; again what’s wrong with that?

Some have the cheek to say that the Press filters the news and or that they invent facts, (CBS’s Dan Rather reporting of George Bush’s Military record story) and beat the scandal drum on Republicans and Conservatives while talking fast and mitigating the salacious scandals of the Democrats. Why can’t they report what they want, when they want and how they want without all of these people complaining that they are bias? Isn’t that what is meant by a free press? Are they not free to soapbox their feelings?

Now I know what you are thinking, the Press is supposed to be neutral. That’s very hard to do and I dare anyone to try it. Try to exclude your feelings while writing about a subject, and you will get a feel for how incredibly difficult it is to do. In fact, they say that most print media and network newscasts are so bias they border on propaganda. Rubbish!
That’s just crazy talk and I for one don’t buy it. I believe as I have been told.
That Nixon was the anti-Christ, that Gerald Ford was Nixon’s shill, that Jimmy Carter was and is the most righteous of statesmen, that Ronald Reagan was a callous dreamer, that George Herbert Walker Bush was tongue twisted oaf, that William Clinton was a savior burdened with unfair sexual allegations that he did not inhale, that George Bush was a white knuckled drunk that was dictated to by his vice-president Dick Cheney and that Barak Obama is a god come down from heaven to save our souls and that the Democrats in Congress are his winged angels.

These are the facts! How do I know? I read it in the paper and watched it on the nightly newscasts. Look if it wasn’t true they could not report it right? If you can’t trust the newspaper…well what else is there?

“What? Newspapers are becoming obsolete! Most youth are getting their news on-line?” “No…no…no…don’t tell me that! How will I light the wood stove or what will I line my birdcage with without those rags?
I need my newspaper and I would miss nightly news entertainment shows!
Oh well, maybe, their King
Obama will bail them out? They certainly are very loyal subjects!”

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is the Health Care Reform Proposal making you sick?

Is the Health Care Reform Proposal making you sick?
By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

All the talk right now is about Obama’s Health Insurance Reform Bill but I am reminded of another day. Remember the time in America when no-one had health insurance and those trying to sell us the idea rang the doorbell trying to solicit us to buy it. My own father who had many children (that’s right) never had health insurance! He was not alone in his generation; many opted to just pay for their medical bills as they were incurred. How could that be?
Well FIRST of all, doctor costs were not an arm and a leg as they are now. SECOND, doctors didn’t run a battery of expensive blood, x-ray and state of the art diagnostic tests for a simple rash, as they do today. THIRD, there has been a long waging war between Hospitals, doctors and Insurance companies. The doctors and hospitals charge insurance companies more and more padding the bill because the insurance companies try and pay less and less of the medical bill. FOURTH, businesses were barred from making Health Care benefits both elective and selective to their employees by government policies.

The worst of these changes was after the “lobster Lunch” scandal in the eighties Congress decided to close the benefit option to businesses. Instead of being able to keep an employee by giving them a car, expense account or a Gold Health Care Plan while not raising their salaries but allowing them to realize income value by lowering their expenses, the government said, No! Equal or no benefits for all employees regardless of position and status and report all expenses given to an employee.

LASTLY, malpractice lawsuits have reached epic proportions in an increasingly litigious society that we live in today. The results are that Health Care costs have gone up, insurance premiums have gone up, exemptions and deductibles have gone up. Making all Americans have to swallow a big nasty pill.

Why don’t we just require Hospitals, Medical Equipment Companies, Prescription Drug Companies and Doctors to do pro bono service at free Health Care Clinics set up around the country for those whose income and jobs prohibit them from being insured? Make the insurance companies pay for the construction or renting of the infrastructure based on the population of uninsured needs in areas throughout the country.

Liability lawyers would represent both the patients and the doctors while at the clinics for free. The patient would have to apply based on proof of financial need for a clinic I.D. pass and then their medical care, surgeries, wellness checkups and medications would be free.

Require the banks and financial institutions that got Tarp money to handle the financial background checks and handle the clinic’s paperwork for free. The poor could not complain that their health care was inferior because they would have the same doctors as the paying public. The only government involvement in this proposal would be to write a law requiring this pro bono idea which could be mandated or enticed by a big tax deduction. They could also allow the rich individual taxpayer to make a charity donation to the clinic for a nice deduction.

This would not nationalize our health care system and cost $0.00 to both the government and the American tax payer. Therefore if you are poor, go to the clinic, lose your job, go to the clinic, dropped by insurance can’t get coverage because of high risk, go to the clinic.

Does this sound like an ethical, equitable, low cost and practical solution? Do you think any of the knuckleheads in Congress would think of this? No, because they never make the few who are responsible for the adverse effect on the many, pay and fix the messes they created. Bailouts, loan guarantees, government subsidies and increasing taxes is how government solves problems. It throws money, it doesn’t have, at every problem and calls it a solution while we Americans feel the incurable pain of a dwindling billfold.

The only Health reform we really need is to try and cure this insipid, contagious, painful and perhaps lethal virus that has infected our Government officials called SPENDING!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cap and Trade Legislation

CAP and TRADE Legislation
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

Oh my global warming, I am a cold New Englander who has not only suffered a long snowy winter and a wet muddy spring but this summer’s cold rainy weather made me turn on the heat. The truth is, I don’t profess to know enough science to say whether the weather is whatever it’s suppose to be in the natural cycle of the planet's life. I don't know, if carbon emissions are warming the planet but what I can say that this proposed Energy policy has fueled me to write my Senator and politely request her to vote “Nay”.

Our congress, in its infinite wisdom, is doing a “Chicken Little, the sky is falling down” dance and prance about energy policy. Why? I think it is all because Al Gore loved running as the Environmental Presidential Candidate and after he lost the election (looking like a sore loser) his only hanging Chad to play to keep his ego in the news was to stir up a tidal wave of frenzy about Global Warming.
The Democrats don’t want Al Gore to run for office again in the party and so this Cap and Trade Energy legislation is insuring he stays on the political sidelines. The notion of raising energy costs in this country at a time of economic recession where huge budget deficits and the Federal debt that will, that would result in run-away inflation is just the icing on an absurd lavish cake baked in the halls of Congress.

The fact that China, India and many other countries would be allowed to blow the carbon in our face like a plume of cigarette smoke in the face of an ex-smoker makes my blood boil. My Congress may not be doing anything about Global Warming by the use of these ideas but they sure are warming me up, in fact, I’m downright hot. Like a fifty year old woman’s night-sweats! I feel like taking my big carbon footprint and shoving it right up their…sorry I am a G-rated site.

Some of what is being proposed like getting rid of incandescent light bulbs to the new MERCURY based bulbs. The problem of course is that mercury is a known carcinogen and if you break a light bulb in your home you now have a toxic waste hazard site. They say if you vacuum up the broken bulb you poison yourself and household. That reminds me when the EPA required all States to have MTBE added in our gas to comply with the Clean Air Act and poisoned all our drinking water wells. Save the air kill the drinking water! Now they want to save electricity and kill the users! I guess that will reduce the carbon demand?

Another proposal is that before you can sell your house to some buyer one must get a government inspection on the energy efficiency of the home. Good rating then the house passes inspection to be sold; bad rating and the owner must update the home to pass inspection. Oh my gosh, talk about intrusive! Our government would be in our bedrooms! Now that would be the perfect time to break a Mercury light bulb and turn on the vacuum.

Now these Congress-people are telling us that the Energy Bill would not be a tax? Look we Americans are not fooled when it comes to what’s a tax and what’s not a tax. The bottom line is, are we opening our wallets and paying more because the government is forcing us to? Then we know it as a tax! If it walks like a tax, talks like a tax then it’s a TAX!

Well, if this Cap and Trade energy bill goes into effect I guess I’ll have to dig out a shelter in my backyard. No… not a bomb, tornado, hurricane, meteor, terrorist or Global Warmer shelter but a place to hide my incandescent light bulbs and myself when the government steps on my porch.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fantasy Congress

Fantasy Congress
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I keep hearing the congressmen and women talk about the Obama presidential win as being a mandate for the sweeping changes that they have made and are proposing to make. Obama talked about change and was elected therefore the mandate is “change”? Okay, the Bush presidency and the congress spent big Federal monies on National Defense, Homeland Security, Prescription drugs for seniors and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as bailout package to the financial marketplace including General Motors, all while the opposition complained about deficit spending and the country’s huge growing debt.

Now, the new congress has passed a huge Stimulus Bill, a huge pork-barrel filled budget, released more money to General Motors and financial institutions and is proposing a third Stimulus package along with Cap and Trade Legislation and Health care spending. Which is deficit spending and leaving us burdened with the country’s largest debt ever? Where’s the “CHANGE”? What am I missing?

Oops sorry, I must stop my thoughts for a moment and check on my fantasy football picks. Fantasy Football… oh my gosh, that’s it! That’s a great idea! Why not have fantasy government! A fantasy congress! We can all elect our own virtual Congressmen and women and then track how they legislate amongst us. It could be great!

We would be able to have bragging rights about who was most fiscally responsible, ethical, intelligent and dutiful to service. Some of us might even like to spice up our virtual Capital hills with sex scandals and corruption (although that would be too much like reality.) We would no longer have to listen to congress people and Senators talk about what the American people want and be both wrong and out of touch with us. We would be able to control our government. It would be, FOR the people, BY the people and virtually controlled BY the people. It would be the Orwellian reverse, so that instead of the masses being controlled by the few, the few would be under the control of the masses. Our fantasy politico’s could become so popular that they out-market the real ones.

More Americans would participate in the fantasy elections and vote for their fantasy politician while the real ones would not get our attention. Wow, I can’t wait to start creating my fantasy politicians. I think my first politician will be a hack and slash efficiency expert. He-she will repeal all the stupid laws passed over the years as well as balance the budget and bring the national debt down to a minimum. Gee, what fun we will have and what a great country this will be in our fantasies…in our reveries…in our dreams.


“Claudia, wake up! You fell asleep writing your blog.”

“Oh, thanks. No I’m not bored writing… just dreaming.”

My Stimulus Plan

By: The American Speaker in the House;
Claudia Roazen
When I heard about President Obama and the Democratic Party’s stimulus plan to dig the economy out of debt, job loss and eventual bankruptcy I said “Wow what a great idea for my own economic woes!” I was saddle by huge credit card debt due to bad money mismanagement and had little saved as a result of short sighted greedy investments that had tanked. I had no more money to pay for my house; car and even groceries were getting tight. I wrote a nice respectful plea letter to the Federal Reserve and waited anxiously for their expected reply to bail me out. No reply? I then realized that I probably needed to write to my state’s Senators and I paused to catch my breath when I realized that both Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins were Republicans and Republicans were against the stimulus plan. Oh the relief that came to me, when I found out, that along with Arlene Spector of Pennsylvania both my senators from the great state of Maine had broken ranks with their party and backed the stimulus plan. So I penned them both a letter about my economic crisis and again waited patiently for a reply. No reply? I was starting to get a little bugged but I came to my senses and realized that government was a slow, deliberative body that took its time to advance anything, yet I could not get over how fast they had acted to pass the stimulus plan. They kept saying time was of the essence and I knew personally what they meant as the credit collectors kept calling and the repo men kept driving around my block.
Then I realized that when you wanted anything done you had to start at the top. I again wrote a respectful letter to president Obama and even complimented him on his lovely family while I asked politely for my bailout money. No reply, well no reply from the president but the FBI and the Secret Service for some reason actually came to my home with my letter in hand and after submitting to a polygraph, being fingerprinted and photographed I was questioned for hours about my letter’s request. They told me not to write to the president again and something about my name now being on Homeland Security’s domestic agitators list.
Well, I don’t have to tell you that the repo man finally found my car and the bank foreclosed on my house and the credit card companies were moving to attach my wages, that is, before I lost my job. So when I learned that the government was asking China to buy its debt, I…I…NO…I did not write the Chinese government, I don’t know Mandarin, but I realized that I did have a benefactor like Communist Totalitarian State China,…yes…my parents.
So I moved back home, they paid off my bills and made me sign a credit default swap agreement that would require me to reimburse them once I found work and started to making money again. They said it was their AIG plan. AIG they explained meant (Adult Ignorance Guardian) and any money I acquired went to them until they could trust me. I feel like I’m back in a time warp because my parents have no computer, no cell phones, an old fifteen inch picture tube television and the only twittering in my life now is out on the back porch next to birdfeeder and it is not very STIMULATING!
However I’m not bitter, because well if I was bailed out like General Motors I probably would have gone bankrupt anyway as they did.. My parents are doing fine monetarily but they have a very weird financial policy. It’s strange but it goes something like this; always save most of your money in no or low risk investments, only borrow or charge on credit what you can pay for without borrowing, live within your means and always be prepared to expect the unexpected expense. When they told me that last provision they both sneered as they pointed in my direction and I felt they were trying to say something to me. Oh well, if I don’t like it I guess I can bone up on Mandarin and see if “they” answer my letter.