Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cap and Trade Legislation

CAP and TRADE Legislation
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

Oh my global warming, I am a cold New Englander who has not only suffered a long snowy winter and a wet muddy spring but this summer’s cold rainy weather made me turn on the heat. The truth is, I don’t profess to know enough science to say whether the weather is whatever it’s suppose to be in the natural cycle of the planet's life. I don't know, if carbon emissions are warming the planet but what I can say that this proposed Energy policy has fueled me to write my Senator and politely request her to vote “Nay”.

Our congress, in its infinite wisdom, is doing a “Chicken Little, the sky is falling down” dance and prance about energy policy. Why? I think it is all because Al Gore loved running as the Environmental Presidential Candidate and after he lost the election (looking like a sore loser) his only hanging Chad to play to keep his ego in the news was to stir up a tidal wave of frenzy about Global Warming.
The Democrats don’t want Al Gore to run for office again in the party and so this Cap and Trade Energy legislation is insuring he stays on the political sidelines. The notion of raising energy costs in this country at a time of economic recession where huge budget deficits and the Federal debt that will, that would result in run-away inflation is just the icing on an absurd lavish cake baked in the halls of Congress.

The fact that China, India and many other countries would be allowed to blow the carbon in our face like a plume of cigarette smoke in the face of an ex-smoker makes my blood boil. My Congress may not be doing anything about Global Warming by the use of these ideas but they sure are warming me up, in fact, I’m downright hot. Like a fifty year old woman’s night-sweats! I feel like taking my big carbon footprint and shoving it right up their…sorry I am a G-rated site.

Some of what is being proposed like getting rid of incandescent light bulbs to the new MERCURY based bulbs. The problem of course is that mercury is a known carcinogen and if you break a light bulb in your home you now have a toxic waste hazard site. They say if you vacuum up the broken bulb you poison yourself and household. That reminds me when the EPA required all States to have MTBE added in our gas to comply with the Clean Air Act and poisoned all our drinking water wells. Save the air kill the drinking water! Now they want to save electricity and kill the users! I guess that will reduce the carbon demand?

Another proposal is that before you can sell your house to some buyer one must get a government inspection on the energy efficiency of the home. Good rating then the house passes inspection to be sold; bad rating and the owner must update the home to pass inspection. Oh my gosh, talk about intrusive! Our government would be in our bedrooms! Now that would be the perfect time to break a Mercury light bulb and turn on the vacuum.

Now these Congress-people are telling us that the Energy Bill would not be a tax? Look we Americans are not fooled when it comes to what’s a tax and what’s not a tax. The bottom line is, are we opening our wallets and paying more because the government is forcing us to? Then we know it as a tax! If it walks like a tax, talks like a tax then it’s a TAX!

Well, if this Cap and Trade energy bill goes into effect I guess I’ll have to dig out a shelter in my backyard. No… not a bomb, tornado, hurricane, meteor, terrorist or Global Warmer shelter but a place to hide my incandescent light bulbs and myself when the government steps on my porch.

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