Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is the Health Care Reform Proposal making you sick?

Is the Health Care Reform Proposal making you sick?
By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

All the talk right now is about Obama’s Health Insurance Reform Bill but I am reminded of another day. Remember the time in America when no-one had health insurance and those trying to sell us the idea rang the doorbell trying to solicit us to buy it. My own father who had many children (that’s right) never had health insurance! He was not alone in his generation; many opted to just pay for their medical bills as they were incurred. How could that be?
Well FIRST of all, doctor costs were not an arm and a leg as they are now. SECOND, doctors didn’t run a battery of expensive blood, x-ray and state of the art diagnostic tests for a simple rash, as they do today. THIRD, there has been a long waging war between Hospitals, doctors and Insurance companies. The doctors and hospitals charge insurance companies more and more padding the bill because the insurance companies try and pay less and less of the medical bill. FOURTH, businesses were barred from making Health Care benefits both elective and selective to their employees by government policies.

The worst of these changes was after the “lobster Lunch” scandal in the eighties Congress decided to close the benefit option to businesses. Instead of being able to keep an employee by giving them a car, expense account or a Gold Health Care Plan while not raising their salaries but allowing them to realize income value by lowering their expenses, the government said, No! Equal or no benefits for all employees regardless of position and status and report all expenses given to an employee.

LASTLY, malpractice lawsuits have reached epic proportions in an increasingly litigious society that we live in today. The results are that Health Care costs have gone up, insurance premiums have gone up, exemptions and deductibles have gone up. Making all Americans have to swallow a big nasty pill.

Why don’t we just require Hospitals, Medical Equipment Companies, Prescription Drug Companies and Doctors to do pro bono service at free Health Care Clinics set up around the country for those whose income and jobs prohibit them from being insured? Make the insurance companies pay for the construction or renting of the infrastructure based on the population of uninsured needs in areas throughout the country.

Liability lawyers would represent both the patients and the doctors while at the clinics for free. The patient would have to apply based on proof of financial need for a clinic I.D. pass and then their medical care, surgeries, wellness checkups and medications would be free.

Require the banks and financial institutions that got Tarp money to handle the financial background checks and handle the clinic’s paperwork for free. The poor could not complain that their health care was inferior because they would have the same doctors as the paying public. The only government involvement in this proposal would be to write a law requiring this pro bono idea which could be mandated or enticed by a big tax deduction. They could also allow the rich individual taxpayer to make a charity donation to the clinic for a nice deduction.

This would not nationalize our health care system and cost $0.00 to both the government and the American tax payer. Therefore if you are poor, go to the clinic, lose your job, go to the clinic, dropped by insurance can’t get coverage because of high risk, go to the clinic.

Does this sound like an ethical, equitable, low cost and practical solution? Do you think any of the knuckleheads in Congress would think of this? No, because they never make the few who are responsible for the adverse effect on the many, pay and fix the messes they created. Bailouts, loan guarantees, government subsidies and increasing taxes is how government solves problems. It throws money, it doesn’t have, at every problem and calls it a solution while we Americans feel the incurable pain of a dwindling billfold.

The only Health reform we really need is to try and cure this insipid, contagious, painful and perhaps lethal virus that has infected our Government officials called SPENDING!

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