Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Media Bias

Media Bias
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I really don’t understand why some say that the media is bias in this country. Yes, I can see the love-fest going on with Obama but what’s wrong with that? Sure they hated Bush and took every opportunity to find ways to bash and scandalize him but so what? They obviously didn’t like George Bush and they have sensual goose bumps for Obama. Why can’t the press hate one and love the other?
Didn’t we all grow up loving John F. Kennedy and hating Richard M. Nixon? It’s just a coincidence that they also hated Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush and loved Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

Now Ford was different because he was hated mostly for pardoning Nixon. The press also seems to like liberal elitist ideas and hates old fashioned American values; again what’s wrong with that?

Some have the cheek to say that the Press filters the news and or that they invent facts, (CBS’s Dan Rather reporting of George Bush’s Military record story) and beat the scandal drum on Republicans and Conservatives while talking fast and mitigating the salacious scandals of the Democrats. Why can’t they report what they want, when they want and how they want without all of these people complaining that they are bias? Isn’t that what is meant by a free press? Are they not free to soapbox their feelings?

Now I know what you are thinking, the Press is supposed to be neutral. That’s very hard to do and I dare anyone to try it. Try to exclude your feelings while writing about a subject, and you will get a feel for how incredibly difficult it is to do. In fact, they say that most print media and network newscasts are so bias they border on propaganda. Rubbish!
That’s just crazy talk and I for one don’t buy it. I believe as I have been told.
That Nixon was the anti-Christ, that Gerald Ford was Nixon’s shill, that Jimmy Carter was and is the most righteous of statesmen, that Ronald Reagan was a callous dreamer, that George Herbert Walker Bush was tongue twisted oaf, that William Clinton was a savior burdened with unfair sexual allegations that he did not inhale, that George Bush was a white knuckled drunk that was dictated to by his vice-president Dick Cheney and that Barak Obama is a god come down from heaven to save our souls and that the Democrats in Congress are his winged angels.

These are the facts! How do I know? I read it in the paper and watched it on the nightly newscasts. Look if it wasn’t true they could not report it right? If you can’t trust the newspaper…well what else is there?

“What? Newspapers are becoming obsolete! Most youth are getting their news on-line?” “No…no…no…don’t tell me that! How will I light the wood stove or what will I line my birdcage with without those rags?
I need my newspaper and I would miss nightly news entertainment shows!
Oh well, maybe, their King
Obama will bail them out? They certainly are very loyal subjects!”

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