Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fantasy Congress

Fantasy Congress
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I keep hearing the congressmen and women talk about the Obama presidential win as being a mandate for the sweeping changes that they have made and are proposing to make. Obama talked about change and was elected therefore the mandate is “change”? Okay, the Bush presidency and the congress spent big Federal monies on National Defense, Homeland Security, Prescription drugs for seniors and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as bailout package to the financial marketplace including General Motors, all while the opposition complained about deficit spending and the country’s huge growing debt.

Now, the new congress has passed a huge Stimulus Bill, a huge pork-barrel filled budget, released more money to General Motors and financial institutions and is proposing a third Stimulus package along with Cap and Trade Legislation and Health care spending. Which is deficit spending and leaving us burdened with the country’s largest debt ever? Where’s the “CHANGE”? What am I missing?

Oops sorry, I must stop my thoughts for a moment and check on my fantasy football picks. Fantasy Football… oh my gosh, that’s it! That’s a great idea! Why not have fantasy government! A fantasy congress! We can all elect our own virtual Congressmen and women and then track how they legislate amongst us. It could be great!

We would be able to have bragging rights about who was most fiscally responsible, ethical, intelligent and dutiful to service. Some of us might even like to spice up our virtual Capital hills with sex scandals and corruption (although that would be too much like reality.) We would no longer have to listen to congress people and Senators talk about what the American people want and be both wrong and out of touch with us. We would be able to control our government. It would be, FOR the people, BY the people and virtually controlled BY the people. It would be the Orwellian reverse, so that instead of the masses being controlled by the few, the few would be under the control of the masses. Our fantasy politico’s could become so popular that they out-market the real ones.

More Americans would participate in the fantasy elections and vote for their fantasy politician while the real ones would not get our attention. Wow, I can’t wait to start creating my fantasy politicians. I think my first politician will be a hack and slash efficiency expert. He-she will repeal all the stupid laws passed over the years as well as balance the budget and bring the national debt down to a minimum. Gee, what fun we will have and what a great country this will be in our fantasies…in our reveries…in our dreams.


“Claudia, wake up! You fell asleep writing your blog.”

“Oh, thanks. No I’m not bored writing… just dreaming.”

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