Tuesday, October 20, 2009


By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

We know that the first Amendment to our Constitution granted citizens the right to a free press and that it was the first thought of the colonists in asserting and insuring that the rights of the people were not dismissed and or diminished by accepting our new Constitutional government. We codified our right to dissent without our government’s ability to either mute or enact retribution for speaking our mind be it in praise or be it in criticism of government and or officials. We have a long history of expecting that our journalist (The Press) be loyal to the people, the truth and nothing but the truth. The press was and is expected to be independent and skeptical of government to protect us from propaganda and worse. Where is the independent, skeptical, truth- seeking journalists today?
Well it seems that they are not writing for the New York Times, they are not broadcasting at CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS or MSNBC because these print and broadcasts journalists have not criticized or questioned the current administration and have been behind as well as apologists for stories and scandals brought to light by others namely FOX news.
The press has been hated by many past administrations because it has consistently refused to accept only the official account, been unwilling to not report and or quash stories for the government and would ask the tough questions of our officials over and over until sense could be made of the truth. Now both the administration and the rival news organizations are ganging up and condemning FOX news and all other independent journalists who dare be critical of the current administration.
It would appear that Fox News is the only hated news organization today and that should make them proud and we should champion their success and encourage more and new media to follow their example and get back to the first Amendment’s mission. We should not be lambs, hens or turkeys so close to the Thanksgiving season that we ignore the significance of who is being invited to the White house dinner table and who is not.

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