Thursday, August 27, 2009


By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I am not a political activist and participate in politics the old fashioned way by both voting and screaming at my television when politicians (too often) pretend to speak for me and other Americans. My opinions are eclectic on issues but I have one abiding theme that holds the fabric together as it is waved left and right on the flagpole and that theme is FREEDOM. Those in Washington do not understand that we want less not more; government. More is less freedom and more is less choice and more is less efficiency and more is less integrity and more is less money in our well worn pockets.
Too many of our politicians think that Americans want government to solve all their problems and tuck them in to bed at night as they read them the sleepy story of all the legislation they passed to make their lives better. I can’t deny that it cures my insomnia but I sleep dreaming of growing up and becoming an independent adult and leaving my government’s house to start my life and make my own decisions. I love my government and I call, write and visit as often as I can while appreciative of how it raised me I don’t want to live there again. For its part it must learn to let go. I respect its concern for me and my well-being but I am long past needing to be pampered and scolded for my stumbles and falls. I expect it to keep its own house in order as I do my own. We are still a family and when there are pressing issues I am more than willing to pitch in and help. However, if it pries into my life, rings the doorbell unannounced, dictates to me, criticizes every move I make and tells me how I should live from health care to the car I drive well…well…should it be surprised that it sees me less, hears from me less and is told less and less about me and my life. Doesn’t it understand that “I AM A GROWNUP NOW?”
Lately it has been trying to use bribery to win me over, Cash for Clunkers, rebates for efficiency appliances and the promise of Universal Health Care that is suppose to make my life better. No I’m sorry government, but the days of shoving a cookie in my mouth to stop my tantrum is over. I want my freedom!
No…no…no… I will not be bought! It’s time to have a long talk with it and explain that although I love it to death it must respect our forefather’s tradition and leave their sons and daughters their constitutional right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with respect that as long as those values don’t interfere with anyone else’s rights, and we agree to fight as one to protect those rights, and we champion the individual human rights for everyone throughout the world, then we all agree and can all enjoy each other’s loving company.

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