Friday, July 31, 2009

The Latest Elitist Story

The latest Elitist Story!
By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen
I was surprised that the president had such free time as to both comment on and then involve himself in what would otherwise be a local news story about the Cop and the Professor. I thought my gosh, even I could get a private audience and share a beer with the president and all I would have to do is involve myself in some sort of accusatory racial profiling incident that made my local paper. I knew my town had a new police officer and he was assigned a speed trap patrol in my neighborhood. Great, I thought, I will speed past his patrol going ten miles over the limit and see if he stops me. Well, it took about five passes until he finally flashed on his blue lights and pulled me over to the side of the road. He then approached my window and politely asked me for my license, registration and proof of insurance. He then started to walk back to his patrol car and I called out after him.
“Officer! Officer don’t you want me to get out of my car and put my hands on the hood?” He smiled nodded in the negative and jumped in his patrol car. After a few minutes he came back and handed me my paperwork and I gave him a sneer and said.
“Don’t you want to search my car for drugs or guns?” He smiled again and said no with the shaking of his head. Then he handed me a piece of paper and told me it was a warning and that he was not going to give me a ticket. I was infuriated at that moment, and I looked at the Afro-american policeman and cried foul!
“Officer why are you treating me so nice? It’s because I’m a white suburban woman isn’t it!” He tilted his head and looked confused. I continued to rant.
“Look, I want you to Taser me or something, otherwise I never get to meet the president!” I looked around my car for any contraband and found only a breath mint but it wasn’t in the package.
“See…see this!” I held up the Velamint and waved it in his face.
“I don’t know what this is, it could be a controlled substance? Are you going to test it?”
He grabbed the mint out of my hand popped in his mouth and thanked me. I continued to shout at him while he drove away. I was screaming for him to pepper spray me, have the dogs search my car or arrest me to no avail. I then raced down to the Police station and issued a complaint on the officer and then called my local newspaper.
Nobody did anything and nothing came of the non-incident. Oh well, I guess I got it wrong again and the teachable moment was that it wasn’t about race at all but class. It was about being Ivy League connected, and I bet that cop would have co-operated with me if I was a Harvard Professor acting without class.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Media Bias

Media Bias
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I really don’t understand why some say that the media is bias in this country. Yes, I can see the love-fest going on with Obama but what’s wrong with that? Sure they hated Bush and took every opportunity to find ways to bash and scandalize him but so what? They obviously didn’t like George Bush and they have sensual goose bumps for Obama. Why can’t the press hate one and love the other?
Didn’t we all grow up loving John F. Kennedy and hating Richard M. Nixon? It’s just a coincidence that they also hated Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush and loved Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

Now Ford was different because he was hated mostly for pardoning Nixon. The press also seems to like liberal elitist ideas and hates old fashioned American values; again what’s wrong with that?

Some have the cheek to say that the Press filters the news and or that they invent facts, (CBS’s Dan Rather reporting of George Bush’s Military record story) and beat the scandal drum on Republicans and Conservatives while talking fast and mitigating the salacious scandals of the Democrats. Why can’t they report what they want, when they want and how they want without all of these people complaining that they are bias? Isn’t that what is meant by a free press? Are they not free to soapbox their feelings?

Now I know what you are thinking, the Press is supposed to be neutral. That’s very hard to do and I dare anyone to try it. Try to exclude your feelings while writing about a subject, and you will get a feel for how incredibly difficult it is to do. In fact, they say that most print media and network newscasts are so bias they border on propaganda. Rubbish!
That’s just crazy talk and I for one don’t buy it. I believe as I have been told.
That Nixon was the anti-Christ, that Gerald Ford was Nixon’s shill, that Jimmy Carter was and is the most righteous of statesmen, that Ronald Reagan was a callous dreamer, that George Herbert Walker Bush was tongue twisted oaf, that William Clinton was a savior burdened with unfair sexual allegations that he did not inhale, that George Bush was a white knuckled drunk that was dictated to by his vice-president Dick Cheney and that Barak Obama is a god come down from heaven to save our souls and that the Democrats in Congress are his winged angels.

These are the facts! How do I know? I read it in the paper and watched it on the nightly newscasts. Look if it wasn’t true they could not report it right? If you can’t trust the newspaper…well what else is there?

“What? Newspapers are becoming obsolete! Most youth are getting their news on-line?” “No…no…no…don’t tell me that! How will I light the wood stove or what will I line my birdcage with without those rags?
I need my newspaper and I would miss nightly news entertainment shows!
Oh well, maybe, their King
Obama will bail them out? They certainly are very loyal subjects!”

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is the Health Care Reform Proposal making you sick?

Is the Health Care Reform Proposal making you sick?
By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

All the talk right now is about Obama’s Health Insurance Reform Bill but I am reminded of another day. Remember the time in America when no-one had health insurance and those trying to sell us the idea rang the doorbell trying to solicit us to buy it. My own father who had many children (that’s right) never had health insurance! He was not alone in his generation; many opted to just pay for their medical bills as they were incurred. How could that be?
Well FIRST of all, doctor costs were not an arm and a leg as they are now. SECOND, doctors didn’t run a battery of expensive blood, x-ray and state of the art diagnostic tests for a simple rash, as they do today. THIRD, there has been a long waging war between Hospitals, doctors and Insurance companies. The doctors and hospitals charge insurance companies more and more padding the bill because the insurance companies try and pay less and less of the medical bill. FOURTH, businesses were barred from making Health Care benefits both elective and selective to their employees by government policies.

The worst of these changes was after the “lobster Lunch” scandal in the eighties Congress decided to close the benefit option to businesses. Instead of being able to keep an employee by giving them a car, expense account or a Gold Health Care Plan while not raising their salaries but allowing them to realize income value by lowering their expenses, the government said, No! Equal or no benefits for all employees regardless of position and status and report all expenses given to an employee.

LASTLY, malpractice lawsuits have reached epic proportions in an increasingly litigious society that we live in today. The results are that Health Care costs have gone up, insurance premiums have gone up, exemptions and deductibles have gone up. Making all Americans have to swallow a big nasty pill.

Why don’t we just require Hospitals, Medical Equipment Companies, Prescription Drug Companies and Doctors to do pro bono service at free Health Care Clinics set up around the country for those whose income and jobs prohibit them from being insured? Make the insurance companies pay for the construction or renting of the infrastructure based on the population of uninsured needs in areas throughout the country.

Liability lawyers would represent both the patients and the doctors while at the clinics for free. The patient would have to apply based on proof of financial need for a clinic I.D. pass and then their medical care, surgeries, wellness checkups and medications would be free.

Require the banks and financial institutions that got Tarp money to handle the financial background checks and handle the clinic’s paperwork for free. The poor could not complain that their health care was inferior because they would have the same doctors as the paying public. The only government involvement in this proposal would be to write a law requiring this pro bono idea which could be mandated or enticed by a big tax deduction. They could also allow the rich individual taxpayer to make a charity donation to the clinic for a nice deduction.

This would not nationalize our health care system and cost $0.00 to both the government and the American tax payer. Therefore if you are poor, go to the clinic, lose your job, go to the clinic, dropped by insurance can’t get coverage because of high risk, go to the clinic.

Does this sound like an ethical, equitable, low cost and practical solution? Do you think any of the knuckleheads in Congress would think of this? No, because they never make the few who are responsible for the adverse effect on the many, pay and fix the messes they created. Bailouts, loan guarantees, government subsidies and increasing taxes is how government solves problems. It throws money, it doesn’t have, at every problem and calls it a solution while we Americans feel the incurable pain of a dwindling billfold.

The only Health reform we really need is to try and cure this insipid, contagious, painful and perhaps lethal virus that has infected our Government officials called SPENDING!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cap and Trade Legislation

CAP and TRADE Legislation
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

Oh my global warming, I am a cold New Englander who has not only suffered a long snowy winter and a wet muddy spring but this summer’s cold rainy weather made me turn on the heat. The truth is, I don’t profess to know enough science to say whether the weather is whatever it’s suppose to be in the natural cycle of the planet's life. I don't know, if carbon emissions are warming the planet but what I can say that this proposed Energy policy has fueled me to write my Senator and politely request her to vote “Nay”.

Our congress, in its infinite wisdom, is doing a “Chicken Little, the sky is falling down” dance and prance about energy policy. Why? I think it is all because Al Gore loved running as the Environmental Presidential Candidate and after he lost the election (looking like a sore loser) his only hanging Chad to play to keep his ego in the news was to stir up a tidal wave of frenzy about Global Warming.
The Democrats don’t want Al Gore to run for office again in the party and so this Cap and Trade Energy legislation is insuring he stays on the political sidelines. The notion of raising energy costs in this country at a time of economic recession where huge budget deficits and the Federal debt that will, that would result in run-away inflation is just the icing on an absurd lavish cake baked in the halls of Congress.

The fact that China, India and many other countries would be allowed to blow the carbon in our face like a plume of cigarette smoke in the face of an ex-smoker makes my blood boil. My Congress may not be doing anything about Global Warming by the use of these ideas but they sure are warming me up, in fact, I’m downright hot. Like a fifty year old woman’s night-sweats! I feel like taking my big carbon footprint and shoving it right up their…sorry I am a G-rated site.

Some of what is being proposed like getting rid of incandescent light bulbs to the new MERCURY based bulbs. The problem of course is that mercury is a known carcinogen and if you break a light bulb in your home you now have a toxic waste hazard site. They say if you vacuum up the broken bulb you poison yourself and household. That reminds me when the EPA required all States to have MTBE added in our gas to comply with the Clean Air Act and poisoned all our drinking water wells. Save the air kill the drinking water! Now they want to save electricity and kill the users! I guess that will reduce the carbon demand?

Another proposal is that before you can sell your house to some buyer one must get a government inspection on the energy efficiency of the home. Good rating then the house passes inspection to be sold; bad rating and the owner must update the home to pass inspection. Oh my gosh, talk about intrusive! Our government would be in our bedrooms! Now that would be the perfect time to break a Mercury light bulb and turn on the vacuum.

Now these Congress-people are telling us that the Energy Bill would not be a tax? Look we Americans are not fooled when it comes to what’s a tax and what’s not a tax. The bottom line is, are we opening our wallets and paying more because the government is forcing us to? Then we know it as a tax! If it walks like a tax, talks like a tax then it’s a TAX!

Well, if this Cap and Trade energy bill goes into effect I guess I’ll have to dig out a shelter in my backyard. No… not a bomb, tornado, hurricane, meteor, terrorist or Global Warmer shelter but a place to hide my incandescent light bulbs and myself when the government steps on my porch.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fantasy Congress

Fantasy Congress
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

I keep hearing the congressmen and women talk about the Obama presidential win as being a mandate for the sweeping changes that they have made and are proposing to make. Obama talked about change and was elected therefore the mandate is “change”? Okay, the Bush presidency and the congress spent big Federal monies on National Defense, Homeland Security, Prescription drugs for seniors and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as bailout package to the financial marketplace including General Motors, all while the opposition complained about deficit spending and the country’s huge growing debt.

Now, the new congress has passed a huge Stimulus Bill, a huge pork-barrel filled budget, released more money to General Motors and financial institutions and is proposing a third Stimulus package along with Cap and Trade Legislation and Health care spending. Which is deficit spending and leaving us burdened with the country’s largest debt ever? Where’s the “CHANGE”? What am I missing?

Oops sorry, I must stop my thoughts for a moment and check on my fantasy football picks. Fantasy Football… oh my gosh, that’s it! That’s a great idea! Why not have fantasy government! A fantasy congress! We can all elect our own virtual Congressmen and women and then track how they legislate amongst us. It could be great!

We would be able to have bragging rights about who was most fiscally responsible, ethical, intelligent and dutiful to service. Some of us might even like to spice up our virtual Capital hills with sex scandals and corruption (although that would be too much like reality.) We would no longer have to listen to congress people and Senators talk about what the American people want and be both wrong and out of touch with us. We would be able to control our government. It would be, FOR the people, BY the people and virtually controlled BY the people. It would be the Orwellian reverse, so that instead of the masses being controlled by the few, the few would be under the control of the masses. Our fantasy politico’s could become so popular that they out-market the real ones.

More Americans would participate in the fantasy elections and vote for their fantasy politician while the real ones would not get our attention. Wow, I can’t wait to start creating my fantasy politicians. I think my first politician will be a hack and slash efficiency expert. He-she will repeal all the stupid laws passed over the years as well as balance the budget and bring the national debt down to a minimum. Gee, what fun we will have and what a great country this will be in our fantasies…in our reveries…in our dreams.


“Claudia, wake up! You fell asleep writing your blog.”

“Oh, thanks. No I’m not bored writing… just dreaming.”

My Stimulus Plan

By: The American Speaker in the House;
Claudia Roazen
When I heard about President Obama and the Democratic Party’s stimulus plan to dig the economy out of debt, job loss and eventual bankruptcy I said “Wow what a great idea for my own economic woes!” I was saddle by huge credit card debt due to bad money mismanagement and had little saved as a result of short sighted greedy investments that had tanked. I had no more money to pay for my house; car and even groceries were getting tight. I wrote a nice respectful plea letter to the Federal Reserve and waited anxiously for their expected reply to bail me out. No reply? I then realized that I probably needed to write to my state’s Senators and I paused to catch my breath when I realized that both Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins were Republicans and Republicans were against the stimulus plan. Oh the relief that came to me, when I found out, that along with Arlene Spector of Pennsylvania both my senators from the great state of Maine had broken ranks with their party and backed the stimulus plan. So I penned them both a letter about my economic crisis and again waited patiently for a reply. No reply? I was starting to get a little bugged but I came to my senses and realized that government was a slow, deliberative body that took its time to advance anything, yet I could not get over how fast they had acted to pass the stimulus plan. They kept saying time was of the essence and I knew personally what they meant as the credit collectors kept calling and the repo men kept driving around my block.
Then I realized that when you wanted anything done you had to start at the top. I again wrote a respectful letter to president Obama and even complimented him on his lovely family while I asked politely for my bailout money. No reply, well no reply from the president but the FBI and the Secret Service for some reason actually came to my home with my letter in hand and after submitting to a polygraph, being fingerprinted and photographed I was questioned for hours about my letter’s request. They told me not to write to the president again and something about my name now being on Homeland Security’s domestic agitators list.
Well, I don’t have to tell you that the repo man finally found my car and the bank foreclosed on my house and the credit card companies were moving to attach my wages, that is, before I lost my job. So when I learned that the government was asking China to buy its debt, I…I…NO…I did not write the Chinese government, I don’t know Mandarin, but I realized that I did have a benefactor like Communist Totalitarian State China,…yes…my parents.
So I moved back home, they paid off my bills and made me sign a credit default swap agreement that would require me to reimburse them once I found work and started to making money again. They said it was their AIG plan. AIG they explained meant (Adult Ignorance Guardian) and any money I acquired went to them until they could trust me. I feel like I’m back in a time warp because my parents have no computer, no cell phones, an old fifteen inch picture tube television and the only twittering in my life now is out on the back porch next to birdfeeder and it is not very STIMULATING!
However I’m not bitter, because well if I was bailed out like General Motors I probably would have gone bankrupt anyway as they did.. My parents are doing fine monetarily but they have a very weird financial policy. It’s strange but it goes something like this; always save most of your money in no or low risk investments, only borrow or charge on credit what you can pay for without borrowing, live within your means and always be prepared to expect the unexpected expense. When they told me that last provision they both sneered as they pointed in my direction and I felt they were trying to say something to me. Oh well, if I don’t like it I guess I can bone up on Mandarin and see if “they” answer my letter.