Wednesday, March 31, 2010


By Claudia Roazen
First, do not be fooled that the tea party is an organized political party or a puppet of the Republican Party or any other organized political machine. It is not a third party; it is called the Tea Party strictly as a metaphor of the historic BOSTON TEA PARTY revolt in which colonists solidified with each other’s want of freedom as it expressed to British rule that it would rather go without their beloved British Tea than continue to be subjugated by “Taxation without Representation”.
Second, it is not a “Patriot group” or a cult or a group that espouses hatred, violence, bigotry, insurrection of any kind to the government. There is no connection and no affiliation with radicalism.
Third, one needs not to be of just one party to join the Website and or affiliate with those in the movement. Democrats, Independents, Republicans and even those who have never registered, or voted or have taken in interest in politics prior can be in the group, provided that they agree with the Tea Party beliefs and are not trying to infiltrate the group and disrupt or corrupt it’s message.
Fourth, it is a basic, simple and apple pie straightforward message. Keep America’s unique Constitution based Democratic Republic and Capitalist System safe from a liberal camp that has been trying to socialize her, undermine her Constitution, demonize her Capitalism, alter through propaganda her past history and seek to change her future away from her Forefather’s roots.
Fifth, members and likeminded sympathizers are not zealots, ill-educated, bible thumping proselytizers or old fogies that want to return to horse and buggy days but instead are average, patriotic, law-abiding, civil minded, taxpaying Americans wanting integrity to be restored to our institutions. These average citizens have concerns and Ideas such as;
Representatives in government should represent the people not special Interest groups, lobbyist or those with most campaign monies to contribute.(Corruption) Laws and or legislation should be enacted that solve problems not create problems or make problems worse or in any way undermine Americans constitutional rights.(Healthcare Mandate) That the Federal Government should be constrained to its size, power and scope as was the intent of our Forefathers in understanding that we are the UNITED STATES not the FEDERAL AMERICA that our leaders in Washington have been power grabbing for years from distorted and contorted interpretations of the Constitution.(Commerce Clause) Protection of our borders from illegal immigration not Amnesty. (We welcome legal immigration and are not bigots) That if the Federal Government is using taxpayer monies to bail out companies like General Motors then it is both hypocritical because it is not bailing out small business that suffers bankruptcy as well as undermining the Capitalist System by owning private enterprise. (Socialism)
These are just some of the concerns of people who have joined or who are thinking of joining the Tea Party movement there are other concerns as well.
What is this group’s devious plan of action you might ask? It is to do the un-thinkable as they communicate and band together on web sites. They plan to, they are going to…I’m not sure I should say…it is just so scary radical…it’s just so politically un-apathetically historic…it’s just so novel and inventive…okay I’ll reveal the secret plans to everyone…they are going to register if not registered already and then…then…then..VOTE!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Sham and Shame on You!"

“Sham and Shame on You!”
By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

The left-wing Progressive Democrats are all smiles and happily exclaiming victory over their Healthcare Bill but are they being precipitous and premature? First, this law will be challenged by the Supreme Court on whether the Federal Government has the Constitutional power to mandate Americans to buy Health Insurance or be fined.
I know that the argument is that State’s requires car owners to buy insurance but there is a distinct difference, driving is considered a privilege not a right because the State creates and the State maintains roadways for said privilege. The State does not force you to buy a car or a driver’s license. In fact; if you owned a large piece of property and you bought a car to drive only on your private property then you would not need a valid license nor would you have to register or insure that vehicle.
The Health Care Insurance mandate however would be imposed by the federal Government based solely on one being a living American citizen. It would change my right to living; to being a privilege to live. There is no argument that can be made that the government controls life and that therefore because it created life and maintains life it can then require us to be licensed for life. This is a clear violation and over reach of the commerce clause and the Bill of Rights. This brings up an interesting notion contained in the HealthCare Bill about rationed care and government panels dealing with the issue of death! Are they already setting us up for the Orwellian tomorrow?
If the Supreme Court allows the government to require us to buy Health Insurance then what is next? Will the government then control the buying and selling of property, foodstuffs and personal grooming products? I as well as the majority of Americans are outraged by the “Big Brother” Bill that passed the House and is about to be signed into law by President Obama. However I and most Americans should be happy that they cast their votes out in the open and have exposed their devious political Progressive plans so that we know their names and faces. We should vote them out, not just Novembers’ elections, but in 2012, 2014 and any election year they and their new comers run for public office. We must be vigilant not vigilante, we must be decidedly decisive, and we must not fall for the messages of messiahs in the future. They may have won this battle but we can stop them from winning the war of our American freedoms. Fool us once “Shame on you!” Fool us twice “Sham and Shame on us!”

Monday, March 8, 2010


By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

The President and the Democrats are still campaigning and pushing this HealthCare Bill to Americans and the reality is that we both need medical attention from an ear, nose and throat specialist. The President and the Democrats in Congress apparently have listening trouble because they can’t hear the American people so maybe the doctor can clear out the wax plugging their ears. We need the doctor to check out our throats because this Healthcare Bill is being shoved down it and we all are experiencing a collective gag response. Meanwhile everyone needs to have their noses checked because the smell of the backroom deals are so rank and putrid with corruption that it has destroyed our taste buds for government as a whole.
The President is onstage in staged audience gatherings to hear his own words on the HealthCare Bill while people are struggling to pay their mortgages and hope they find work before losing their homes. Why is he so determined to pass HealthCare over our objections and why is this his main focus in light of the unemployment rate in America?
Being out of work or underemployed is America’s illness right now! A doctor knows that ignoring a patient’s real threatening condition while only treating minor symptoms is failing the patient. The President is failing the American people by not addressing the real issues of our current malaise. Massive debt, huge deficit spending, credit crunch, deflating dollar power, hidden inflation at the supermarket and unemployment have not been stimulated by the oxymoronic economic solution of going into more debt to get out of debt!
If our government instead drew up plans to create a flat tax, cut all non-essential government programs, rescinded all pork barrel projects, actively attacked waste, fraud and corruption in all government agencies including Medicare and Medicaid, made long term plans to reduce the debt, divest itself from owning Car companies and banks and gave a tax incentive to all business investment and expansion plans regardless of their being green, blue or any other color of the rainbow we would see the recession start to fade quickly.
Then and only then would a practical one small Bill at a time approach to reducing Health Care costs be acceptable to the American people as a way to fix not change our Health Care system so that it continues to be the envy of the world.
Why are the Democrats and our President so determined to change our HealthCare system so that it becomes a government run debacle? I don’t know but perhaps we need to ask ourselves why we voted in Democrats and this current administration into office? Perhaps along with ear, nose and throat doctor we should send a psychiatrist to Washington because it appears they are not acting with the greatest of mental stability and they are making me nauseas. “Doctor is there nothing I can take to relieve this bellyache!”