Wednesday, January 20, 2010


By; The speaker in the house
Claudia Roazen

The Republican Scott Brown win over Democratic candidate Martha Coakley in the bluest of blue States, Massachusetts was a resounding win for all Americans who want government to act responsibly. Is it ironic that this metaphorical tea party upset happened in the same State that gave us the real revolt in our American legacy? Is it equally ironic that in order to elect new blood in a Senate seat dominated for so long by the Democrats that we had to wait until the office holder died before the seat was vacated?
The tea is in the water but the question still remains whether the President and the Democrats read those tea leaves correctly. Will they see their futures and start making the backtracking adjustments to save their political backsides or will they continue to ignore us in the spirit of George III of England?
The kettle is hot and the first fitting cup has been poured in Massachusetts but more tea will flow across this Country on the next Election Day. Will Washington pause from sipping their cappuccinos long enough to put our Country back on its rightful path of free market capitalism, individual liberties and smaller less corrupt government?
There may be many differing viewpoints in this country but debate and compromise by our legislative body was the constitutional genius design by our forefathers to ensure that the majority never ignored the minority. With our Country being so equally divided between liberal and conservative lines one would intuitively believe that bi-partisan co-operation would be sought by our representatives in Congress. However, the President and the Democrats have ignored the spirit of our forefather’s design and have used a Marie Antoinette spending and sneering snub to half of the Country’s citizenry.
Hence, the long sleeping apathetic voter woke up, threw away their high priced designer coffee and filled their cups with inexpensive righteous tea. Mister President, Democratic members of Congress, stop growing government, stop owning banks and private enterprises, stop trying to spend us out of recession, stop trying to ram big bureaucratic, un-wanted, un-read Programs down our throats. Slice the lemons, because the Latte` days are over!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

Why is the Obama Justice Department giving constitutional citizen rights to terrorist out to destroy its very existence? These terrorists have not committed treason because in order to be a Benedict Arnold they must have American citizenship.
The reason Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is being tried in New York by our court system we are told, is because the Administration wants to show the world that we are a fair and just country with laws in keeping with our moral governance. The thinking here is that the rest of the world does not believe that our Justice System is fair and not puppeteer by Government interests. The Obama administration, hearing the uproar from the American people that a terrorist was being granted a trial, came out and assured us that Khalid would be found guilty and if not, would be held regardless of the trial’s outcome.
What? I and most Americans are confused. We have all heard of stopping fire with fire but stopping mockery with mockery? Some are calling it a political show trial but what would we be showing? That in fact it is true, that our Justice system is rigged for outcome? Why is an obviously guilty murderer, (example) O.J. Simpson still walking around free and un-punished? I thought we at least all agreed that the O.J. Simpson trial was the definitive poster boy for our American Justice System not being a pretense of prosecutorial burden of proof? Innocent until proven guilty is supposed to make us all comforted in the knowledge that the State has no power to unlawfully imprison us and its advisories. Juries may make mistakes to our chagrin but perfection aside we have improved our Justice system from the days of the Salem witch hunts, or have we? If our imperfect Justice system found an obviously guilty man like O.J. Simpson, not guilty, then perhaps we can speculate that Khalid Mohamed is innocent and water boarding forced him to plead guilty?
When did these terrorists become United States citizens, before or after they tried to kill us? If we hold on to these terrorists whom are found not guilty what then would the world think of our system of laws and justice? How could we stop groups like the A.C.L.U. and Amnesty International from decrying our government as a corrupt fascist dictatorship that falsely imprisons its detractors?
Wait… I think that maybe I know the reason for this counterintuitive counterterrorism strategy! Money is power and debt is weakness. Are we trying to bleed dry the Osama Bin Laden war-chest as we have over spent our own economic bank?
Along with the promises of seventy-two virgins and the monetary compensation for the living love ones left behind, in his suicidal bomber incentive package, are we trying to force Osama, to now add paid legal fees to his terrorist benefits plan?