Tuesday, December 22, 2009


By: The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

We all have had Christmas and Hanukah gifts that we accept and politely smile and show thanks to the giver, while thinking in our private thoughts “What were they thinking when they bought me this?” It is called in my family a “reject” gift. Yet, in the holiday spirit of giving we were all taught that it is not the gift but the thought that matters and counts. It is not only impolite but small-minded to let someone know that you are disappointed or displeased with their festively wrapped token even while you are secretly hoping to exchange it at the store on your first available opportunity. Interestingly however, as young children we are also taught to believe in Santa Claus and the song about him, ‘SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN’ and how we needed to be good to get a present and especially good if we wanted to get that especially sought after gift. Bad behaving children got coal in their stockings instead of toys and gifts they hoped to receive.

Apparently, the President, the Senate Democrats and House Democrats believed that most of us Americans behaved badly this Christmas season and therefore left us tax bills in our Christmas stockings in the form of Health Care Reform. Ignoring the poll numbers, ignoring the tight economic times and ignoring the worry and displeasure of the majority of Americans that our Country’s debt is already too high, they passed and wrapped up this piece of legislation and placed it under the tree before leaving for their Holiday break. What were they thinking? Where can we return this gift? What did the majority of us do to deserve this lump of coal in our stocking?
Well, given the fact that we heard the Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi call town hall voices of dissent un-American Americans, I guess we were bad. I also think that our President’s latest polling numbers fell and again most American were responsible for that, and we were bad. You might also say that the Tea Party rallies throughout the year at different cities across the country were Americans pouting, crying and shouting knowing Santa was coming to town, and we were bad.
So…most Americans did not want Health Care Reform to be quickly decided and railroaded passed a long and necessary debate with only one party’s voice (Democrats) writing the legislation but what else is new since we gave Democrats the Presidency and the majority in 2008. We have many unwanted gifts this year from Washington from the Stimulus Plan to now Health Care Reform.
I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth and undo all my gracious social upbringing but this Santa Congress deserves to be told that its gifts are rejects and its naughty and nice lists are upside down.
I’m making a new list and checking it twice and making sure that those Democrats and any line crossing Republicans will get what they deserve at the ballot box in 2010, Ho…Ho…Ho!

Monday, December 7, 2009


By; The Speaker in the House
Claudia Roazen

The latest scandal involving the fudging of Global Warming temperature data is being ignored and or dismissed by those wanting America to go green. I was always taught in school that the difference between opinion and truth was scientific fact. We trusted science to always give us the truth regardless of political pressure or are own lying eyes. The earth rotates on its axis while orbiting the sun whether we can see or feel this motion because science has proven it to be a fact and so we believe. Science does not start with a premise and then seek only the data that supports that premise for that would not be science but instead would be …propaganda?
There are three points of view on the subject of global warming. One, those that say it does not exist, period. Two, are those that say that Global Warming exists without man’s involvement. Third, are those that say Global Warming is caused by man and I will refer to them as the (Gore-U)? Then of course there are three solutions offered, one, do nothing and nothing bad will happen, two do nothing because nothing man could do would impact or change Global Warming or three the Gore-U, that say stop all man’s greenhouse gas emissions and it will or (might) stop Global Warming. This is why our brain-trust in Washington is proposing Cap and Trade Legislation.
That means driving less and then driving tuna-fish can cars, eating more tuna and no red meat, reading by candle light because you’d be paying high priced electric bills, re-outfitting your home costing thousands of dollars for insulation and green energy saving appliances and see American slowly become a third world country in which tourism and the Service Industry are the only jobs available while countries like China huff and puff away eating our lunch.
I have a serious problem with the Gore-U’s theory because if science has taught me anything about nature it is; that most natural phenomenon that occurs is cyclical. What if Global Warming is a natural cyclical climate changing event that has been occurring on our planet since it first took orbit in our solar system? Locust and insect invasions, disease and pandemic viruses, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and weather patterns are all cyclical events. Some of these events we can predict with approximate accuracy while others we can only predict that they will occur eventually. When our sun becomes a Black Hole the earth will be sucked in and earth will perish but we really don’t have a hard date to predict it happening. Our planet has and always will live under the threat of being hit by a large meteor and wiping us out but again we can only speculate its occurrence. What if we do everything we think is right and yet nature spits in our face.
Man only thinks it has conquered nature because it can cut down trees, bulldoze the earth, wipe out animal and plant species, kill bacteria and viruses, cultivate and cross breed new agricultural products and defy gravity by Jumbo Jet air travel but the truth is nature is, and has always been in charge of us. The trees grow back, the buildings sink in the ground, the animals and plants find a way to survive, the bacteria and viruses mutate to be drug resistant, the crossbred products create new and greater hazards (Killer Bees) and oh yes sometimes little birdies in the sky take down to the ground man’s huge iron winged monoliths. The problem with Gore-U followers and other environmentalists groups is that they revere nature religiously much like the Inca, Mayans and Native Americans’ spiritual belief system. The difference however is twofold between the Gore-U and all other nature spiritualists. One, today’s Gore-U’s believe with hubris that they can change and manipulate nature’s course while the other groups only strived to respect nature’s power. Two, Gore-U’s believe nature is benevolent and only malevolent if it is angered by man while the other groups understood that there were good Gods and bad Gods and if the Gods were angry then offering up a human sacrifice might temper and satisfy them so as to stop the drought or the flood or any ill wanted natural phenomenon that was plaguing them at the time.
Wow, I just got a great idea! We could solve this Global Warming issue quickly and with very little pain for most of us. Forget about Cap and Trade legislation that would hurt all of us with no assurance that it would make a dent of difference on Mother Nature’s warming temper. How about if we offer a human sacrifice to appease the Global Warming God? Perhaps one of those corrupt scientists would volunteer to have their name live in infamy? Maybe the Global Warming Guru himself would entertain the idea of sacrificing himself for the cause? “What do you say Al…we’ll even re-write the history books and give you credit for inventing the internet like you always wanted?”